Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Laws Of Attraction For Ebook Creation

We will be promoting an amazing and revolutionary E-book soon and will be focusing on the Laws of Attraction and how it can help us succeed. We will be focusing on the success of the E-book by keeping positive thoughts and always hoping for the best of others. We want individuals to understand about the opportunities Internet Marketing could give them and will always be giving useful and credible information.

With the Law of Attraction, you need to have thoughts of your success already implanted in your head for it to work. Think about how your success will look, who you have helped and why you are helping people. Suddle but consistent signals will be expelled though your body and this will help to Attract what you want. Take for example that you stub your toe when you first wake up, if you continue to think about that action; negative and strong signals will be expelled from your body and attract negative results.

With consistent positive thoughts of our Upcoming E-book, we will garner fantastic sales using the Power of Attraction. We will think of amazing sales records and our success at the end. E-mails will come back to us exclaiming that we created an amazing product with true and useful information. Thoughts of us reinvesting some of our money made back into our community, is and will be constantly on my mind.

Now we all know how the Law of Attraction works with negative thoughts. We will not think about any thoughts of us not succeeding or building an Amazing E-book. We will not have a negative thought, and if we receive e-mails that are negative, we will try to change their views if we can.

The upcoming promotion of our E-book, We and the Law of Attraction will take a big step in changing the online world. We want to give everyone an opportunity to make the life they want and help clean up as many more lives as we can. Paying it Back will be a big part of our success.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Making A Diffrence Blogging | Blogging For Charity

Today Jeff Goins wrote an inspirational post talking about the need for water and our help as bloggers for getting the word out so we can help with this cause. Jeff stated that currently 42,000 people a day because lack of water. This is an outstanding and huge number of deaths that can be saved with proper water generation in or around these areas.

So what can we do to help these people who need water. Jeff is trying to get as many people to donate $20 or any amount that they can to help raise money for getting water to the needy people. By visiting Jeff's post on Water you will have an opportunity to donate and give back. Did you know that we use more water in a typical shower, then residents of countries that have limited to no access of water, uses in ONE DAY?

So my Goal is to be able to help every country in Africa first to Gain access to a deep ground well for that country. We will first see how the first well will go. Understand that in these countries water is like gold so there might be fights just for the use of water. How can we go about ensuring that everyone has access and how can we create jobs also. Teaching local citizens how to fix any problems to the local water systems and also building piping for water use in houses would be beneficial.

With a deep well the cost usually runs around $30,000 to drill a well that deep.  Diesel powered generators will be used to extract the needed water so it can be divided up. With a well that size the water can help upwards of 3,000 people. So to help 1,000,000 Citizens of Africa we would have to raise $90,000,000 for  350 wells and the education of local citizens. Big number huh? It is a truly doable number if we can find a way to do it.

Coming soon will be a Worldwide day to help create donations for this goal. Yes, many people will find it hard to earn this much money and not try, but we are sure this will be a hit. We will list credible organization already doing work in these countries or we may even look for Angel investors to create and Launch our own drilling expedition.

So if you have not checked out Jeff Goins Water Post do so now. It is thought provoking and well worth the time to read.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Gary's Update | Online Worker To Home Owner

Update on Online Worker To Homeowner Experiment
Since the start of the experiment, Gary has been working hard updating and backlinking his profiles and blogs. He views has been gradually growing while his profits has leveled off for a while. Gary is still feeling confident with his goals he has made in the beguining, and feels like he will acomplish this feat.

Some of the work finished was the creation and launch of the Summer Olympics 2012 site located here.

Also included in the work completed are the following blogs, Discounted Home Items , Basketball Shoes, and Living on The Minimum. All blogs are utilizing Clickbank and Commission Junction.

Next week Gary will be focusing on inter linking all of the blogs for the Summer Olympics 2012 because blogger will allow only 10 pages per blog. Gary will build the remaining blogs that will cover the last of the events while promoting Hotels and sight seeing adventures for tourist to do in London.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Blogging Positive Affirmations | Paying it Forward After Hitting it Big

You can help the world with your knowledge . Pay it forward.

Well one day you just might hit it big after you write that amazing article that goes viral. With a viral article running across the internet, the chance is that you will make quite a bit of money with affiliate links and product sales. You never know how big you are going to get , so when the day comes that you are making enough money to not worry about working anymore, how will you pay back the community.

While it never hurts Paying it forward with knowledge or even financial contributions to needy organizations, please beware that with the first knowledge of your gratitude many more offers will soon pop up, and you will have to sort though a ton of bogus claims of help needed.

Lollipop Fundraisers

Paying it forward with knowledge can be a great way to get your name out in the open with limited to financial contributions. You can give weekly free blogging question and answer chat on your websites that can help newbies and seasoned bloggers. Other users and bloggers will see your openness and also kindness and will frequent your blog because they will be comfortable with you

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Help Increase Your Vertical Jump

The Jump Manual Training System
Scan-able iPhone Bar-code

The jump manual training system is developed by Jacob W. Hiller who is a performance enhancement coach and has trained professional athletes and dunkers. He has been developing vertical jump techniques for 10 years and says that with his technique you can add 10 inches your vertical. His product is an all in one vertical jump training software that is compatible with all computer platforms. The system comes with a video library, workout charts and a nutrition plan.  There is a 60 day guarantee on the product in case you don’t find it useful.

Jacob explains that play fail to achieve vertical explosion because they don’t have knowledge of the correct principles, techniques and practices required for achieving it. Also, some people are not able to jump higher because they are lazy or don’t have the proper diet required for it. He explains that the reasons why a lot of people who want to have a higher jump don’t have it. According to him most websites wrongly guide people and the experts and trainers are not experts at all. He believes that verticalexplosion can be achieved y implying counter-intuitive methods.

He also stresses on the role of nutrition in muscle gains and injury prevention. Nutrition is an area that we give less thought to but we don’t realize is that without proper nutrition we may feel weakness or develop a serious disease like cancer.

In order to follow his method you will need to understand that the whole process will require a lot of effort and concentration from you. Jacob has a multifaceted approach. According to him there are nine variables that contribute to your vertical explosion. Here are some of the features of The Jump Manual vertical jump training system.

The training program provides you with workout charts that show you how to a particular exercise. You can also watch the exercise videos and learn to do it from there. Jacob explains methods of increasing yours strength and quickness and explains how increasing them both can enable you to jump higher. He will show how you can increase your muscle recovery by 150% by paying attention to some commonly neglected facts about diet.

You can learn how to use polymeric, stretch shortening cycles and complex training to boost your performance and how to increase your vertical jump by working on the nine facets of a great vertical. Jacob explains how flexibility and balance can increase your jump and how important the rest period is for athletes.

Jacob is a mentor that will guide you in your dream to achieve vertical explosion. He will answer the questions that you have about the process through e-mail and you will also have access to the vertical jump training forum.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Clickbank Profits | Looking into the Future for Blogging

Gary's Clickbank profits are doing OK now that we have understood how to maximize what Clickbank has given us. While we have been gone Gary has been busy setting up one Jv Launch and working on a side affiliate job called Get Rich Click that is a national best seller for people who want to work online. Dedication and day long work to get the lauch set up will payoff on Launch day.

So far since the beginning of the experiment, Gary has earned $43.00 total for online work and promotion. While that may seem very miniscule, Gary is feeling  positive about the outcome and the chances to be able to buy his home from the profits he has collected.

To show you all where the money has come from here is a list:
Get Rich Click: $10.00
CafePress : $20.00
Commission Junction : $13.00

Gary will be working on a massive Niche site that will be launching at the end of this year. The potential to earn enough money from this one project alone to buy the house Gary want is exhilarating.  The project will be intricate and in depth and will be covering over 100-200 niche categories. More news to come.

Thanks for all of the support and we will be updating soon...

Monday, June 6, 2011

JV Launch Preperation

Gary has located another form of making money online over the weekend. With consistent studding done by Gary , JV launches looks like the next best route to gain the house. With the JV launches the potential to make a 5 figure payday is enticing. So the first route for Garys success was to find a decent JV Launch and Sign up. The JV Launch that was picked is called Viral Traffic Avalanche.

An E-mail. was received moments later telling the recipient the information of the JV Launch and also pre made banners and e-mails to use for promotions. Included also is a landing page for perspective customers to land on with a decent layout for sales. Overall the presentation and setup looks great and the potential to make money is there.

With the information provided, Gary created two landing pages also to get started ranking keywords with Google. Using Squidoo to create articles will help kick start the chances to land on page on for keywords chosen. The keywords where picked for longevity and also competition to allow a good chance to land on Page One.

A Back Link Campaign was created yesterday using Social Media. Twitter and Facebook was used for back linking purposes.

Continued Social Media promotion will be used with a focus on creating a group to land a third landing page. Back Linking with Blogs will start in less then a week so that we will have a two week count down to attract prospective customers.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

$2.27 Per Click || How to Find High paying Keywords

When Gary checked his Google Adsense yesterday he was pleasantly surprised to see his keyword searches has paid off. He has made a click for $2.27 when he checked his earning that mourning.  With the information provided he has a slight understanding on what the click prices will be.

Gary will take the information learned above and implement it so he can maximize the earning potential. Now the blog could have its ads clicked maybe 20 times a week, earning Gary around $50.00 profit. So how can we make sure we can get the clicks so we can earn money?

Starting every Monday - Saturday there will be daily activities to see if we can maximize the time avaliblke to work. Here is the schedule:

Monday: Blog postings and Article Submissions with Squidoo and Hubpages
Tuesday: Social Media back-linking and Promotion day
Wednesday:Blog Updates and Blog commenting
Thursday : Website creation and work
Friday Prepare for weekend with multiple blog postings and click bank reviews
Saturday and Sunday : PLR rewrites for blogs

With continued work with this current schedule , I will attempt to maximize social media and SEO opportunity as I see them. Currently we are promoting the Experiment though Social sites and Twitter, and we are seeing some followers as of today.

Gary is very interested in launching a JV program coming up soon. Gary also understands that with a JV launch he will need to make sure all of his daily activities has a way to work for them selves, so Gary is able to focus full time on the prepping of the JV launch. Stay  tuned to find out what program Gary chooses and they launch idea.

Positive Affirmations: Life is Amazing: With a little love and determination anything is possible!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

SEO Basics for Starters || Understanding The Methods of SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) can be a daunting process to learn for any person who is unfamiliar with it. However - this process is one of the more important skills that you must learn and master if you plan on making some money on your online site or business. This seems like a tall order for a novice in the whole SEO game - but fortunately for you - there are a couple of things that you can learn about that can help you understand - and hopefully implement - the entire process to help improve your site’s ranking.

What is SEO?
The first thing that you must know before anything else is what search engine optimization {SEO} is and how it can benefit your online site.

Just in case you do not know - search engine optimization is an important skill that will allow your website or webpage to get better rankings in search engines - such as Google - thereby making it easier for people to discover it. There are a lot of techniques and processes involved in SEO - which is why learning how it works first of all is the most important first step that you must take.

Basically - SEO helps online sites - or online businesses - to get a certain amount of exposure on the web by making them more visible and easier to find through the use of search engine’s indexing software - thereby making it easier to redirect traffic to your site and business - improving your chances of receiving a steady stream of market.

How is your site or page ranked?
Before your website can make full use of SEO - you must first get it indexed by search engines. How this works is that search engines find your website or webpage through the use of different indexing programs - such as crawlers or spiders that basically follows all links that lead to your site or page and downloads copies of it as it goes.
After this - your site or page will be analyzed and indexed based on some algorithms and criteria set by the search engines - thereby giving your site its ranking. This can be achieved through effective link building - which requires you to create connections to other sites that have similar contents to that of your site.

Benefits of SEO for your site

One of the more obvious benefits of SEO is that It can help improve your site’s web ranking in search engines - thereby increasing the amount of web traffic that you website can generate. Since your site is now easier to locate in the web - it is a safe bet that there will be a significant change in the amount of visits from potential customers that your site can get. Keep in mind that making your site easier to find makes a whole lot of difference for your business’ survival - especially for those based online.

Avoid spamming

Spamming is one way of getting traffic directed to your website - however - this type of method will only work for a short period of time - and will ultimately lead to your site’s failure.
This type of method works by literally tricking traffic to get redirected to your site through the use of some deceptive techniques - such as using irrelevant keywords and using duplicate content on other sites just to try and increase your site’s page ranking.
Initially - this can generate some traffic to your site - but it will create some problems later on for your site - making it a big possibility that you might even lose some potential customers along the way.

Learning how the entire SEO system works is your first step on managing your online business or website - especially for a beginner such as yourself. Understanding how it works can help you determine what other steps you need to take in order to fully realize and take advantage of the entire SEO process in turning your business into a complete online success.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Understanding What will be Going On || Online Worker To Home Owner

As we have read in the last post, Gary is embarking on a journey to see if he can successfully start working online and buy a house from the earnings. We will cover his expenses for a typical month so we can look back at a later date to see how Gary is doing.

                                                Starting Monthly Expenses and Income
Rent : $675
Storage: $50                      
Electric $110
Heat $200
Diapers $50
Other expenses:$260

The current income for Gary is $1978 total for offline work. While working online Gary will still be working until he earn enough money to leave his day job.

Gary will be spending as much time as he can online so he can mazimize the amount of work he can get done. He has already set up goals for the work he wants to get done:

10 E-books ranging in topics
10 iphone apps, Paid and unpaid
10 websites
10 blogger blogs
3 diffrent article directories
unlimited amount of Affiliates

The size of the house that Gary wants to buy is a 3 bedroom 1 or 2 bath. The grounds must have at least an acre or land. Now the average price for housing in Maine is between $40,000 to $120,000 for a house this size. Knowing that most lenders are looking for at least 20% down for a deposit, Gary will be saving up a sum of $8,000 to $24,000 to put down.

Gary understands that if he invests into a cheaper house there will be investments.

Gary will be saving the money online and offlinne with options to invest some of the money back into the experiment, as in iphone app production and website hosting.

After the experiment has concluded, Gary will release a hard cover and E-Book version of how he succeeded and also a video tutorial. Among other options afterwards will be public speaking to promote Online Worker to Home Owner.

Stay with us while we start this amazing journey. We will be introducing you the websites and Blogger blogs that we will be using and also we will show you some graphs so you have an interactive way to follow along.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Buying a House from Working Online

Understanding how much money you can earn while working online can be difficult to fully understand due to the lack of knowledge of certain information. Can you start working online with minimal amount of money and go from broke to owning your own house? We will see with an experiment that will be followed along in this blog.

You will not know the individual that will be taking this course in real time but all the information will be updated with real time information, with all information being as accurate as it can be. With the updates there will be weekly chat sessions to talk to the online worker so you can ask questions .

To better understand the individual we will introduce him to you with his demographics and income. The data provided will help readers to fully understand or relate with this online worker and his family.At anytime you can start your own online worker to homeowner blog and join me with showing users how to obtain their own home 

Online worker Name: Gary Jason Bilodeu
Family size: Fiance, 3 kids, self
Cash level: limited money to start but enough money to pay bills but not enough to save, so week to week
Housing : Renting and looking to own first
School: children in school baby at home
Spouse: Homemaker
 Car: None
Location: Northeast

                                        One Month Goal
Goal Number One:
Figure out how to implement goals

Goal Number 2
Find house options to buy

Goal Number Three
Figure out how to earn and then obtain $100 earned online

Now these goal are all attainable with proper research and dedication. Now there maybe some changes though out this experiment but all information will be provided for you all to learn from.

Feel free to leave comments and any information you may feel that will help to obtain a positive result from this experiment. Obtaining the final goal of buying a house will be recorded on a video for everyone to watch.We do now know how long this will take to go from scratch to official buying of a house but with all of the final information to be available in an e-book format anyone will be able to implement and also buy their own house.
